One year ago I faced the biggest decision of my life. I heard God say, "Trust me; you're whole life is about to change." Before a belief can become an integral part of who you are, it must be tested. I trust God. I believe he provides for all my needs and always has the best in store for me. Those beliefs were tested and tried when he asked me to leave everything and follow Him into the unknown. Leaving all my comfort, all my security, all I have ever known and loved, I embarked on the scariest most exhilarating journey of my life; full abandonment to the call of God.
When I arrived in Redding California, I had no friends, no money, no connections, no car (long story)...all I had was a promise from God that he would take care of me. If I had to sum up this year in just a few words, it would go something like..."Everything I have always needed and wanted that I never even knew existed." I have been given the most amazing opportunity anyone could ever ask for; an opportunity to change the world and live a life without limitations or impossibilities.
I have learned so much this year that words could never express. I have experienced things I never even knew were possible. I have come to know God as Father. He cares about my every desire and he takes care of my every need. He can be trusted and he knows what I need better than I ever could. I am not ready for this year to end. I am not ready to say goodbye to some of the most amazing, beautiful, passionate people I have ever met in my entire life. On the other hand, my heart longs for home. I miss my family and friends more and more each day. I am happier than I have ever been, but I cry more than I ever have. It's a season of moving on from a past that shaped who I was. Its a season of new beginnings and stepping into who I was called to be all along. As much as I want to go back home to my family and friends for the summer, I feel like what God's doing in me here isn't over just yet. He is asking me once again to trust Him and stay in California. I can't see what's in store next, but I trust He can. He has a target in sight that I can not see. It's a season of being bent and stretched like a bow and arrow until I am perfectly aligned and God releases me to fly.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." -Isaiah 55:8